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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Passing the Torch

It is starting to look like Spring in the Wasatch Front, and this was the first week I was able to do some mountain biking. Having built up my single speed in January, and suffering from self-doubt for a couple months (i.e. will I have the fitness to be able to ride it), I was finally unleashed last Saturday, and had a great ride. I passed more folks on the climb up dry creek than any time I've ever ridden, and cleaned every obstacle, no doubt due to having to pedal harder than is my wont.

The following Sunday was Conor's first mountain bike ride. He is at the point where he is steady enough on his bike to start on trails, which with their bumpy terrain, variable traction, and ups and downs, are quite challenging, especially for kids on bikes the weigh nearly as much as they do, with only a coaster brake to stop with.

Here he is, prior to embarking on the ride:

Here's a nice shot of the Bonneville Shoreline trail, which is my route to work on those days where schedule and legs permit, and which might be the world's finest commute:

Finally, an action shot:

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