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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2008 Bike Commute #3

With record snowfall yesterday, and the mercury around 3 degrees this morning when I left the house at 6am, today's ride was no party, no disco, and definitely no fooling around.

For the most part the studded Nokian tire on the front wheel of my mountain bike gave me pretty good traction, but there were a few existential crises, such as rolling over some pretty icy sections carrying too much speed down 800 south, and brief moment of terror hitting an icy patch adjacent to some brief but heavy traffic near Pioneer Park. Riding on ice near traffic is much akin to skiing in exposed territory - falling is verboten. And it just about as much of a mind f*** as well.

The ride home was more pleasant. Much of the really nasty stuff had melted or otherwise been removed, and remarkably, a motorist rolled down their window and thanked me for moving to the side when waiting for a red light to let them by for the right turn. I do this every opportunity I can, but it is rarely understood by drivers, and even less often appreciated.

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